• mistral-large

    To identify the number of genetically modified ingredients in dishes served at 'Green Leaf', you can use the following SQL query: ```sql SELECT name, gm_ingredients FROM dishes_gm JOIN served_at ON dishes_gm.dish_id = served_at.dish_id WHERE location = 'Green Leaf'; ``` This query will join the `dishes_gm` and `served_at` tables on the `dish_id` column and filter the results to only include dishes served at 'Green Leaf'. The result will be a list of dishes served at 'Green Leaf' along with the number of genetically modified ingredients in each dish.
  • codellama-70b-instruct

    SELECT SUM(gm_ingredients) AS num_gm_ingredients FROM dishes_gm WHERE dish_id IN (SELECT dish_id FROM served_at WHERE location = 'Green Leaf');
  • claude-3-opus

    SELECT SUM(gm_ingredients) AS total_gm_ingredients FROM dishes_gm WHERE dish_id IN ( SELECT dish_id FROM served_at WHERE location = 'Green Leaf' );
  • gpt-4o

    ```sql SELECT SUM(d.gm_ingredients) AS total_gm_ingredients FROM dishes_gm d JOIN served_at s ON d.dish_id = s.dish_id WHERE s.location = 'Green Leaf'; ```